Terms & Conditions

Ace Auto Freight Logistics LLC (“Ace Auto Freight”) is a fully licensed and bonded auto transport broker companywith the U.S. Department of Transportation. These Auto Shipping Service - Terms and Conditions (the “Agreement”)govern the Services (as defined in this Agreement) provided by Ace Auto Freight to you, as the client (“you” ordesignated person(s) appointed by you, referred to herein as “Client”).

1. Acceptance of Agreement

By signing to accept or agree to the Agreement, youacknowledge that you have read,understand and agree to bebound by this Agreement in its entirety andacknowledge that, except as otherwise expressly provided, this Agreement is solely between you and Ace Auto Freight.

2. Services.

In providing the Services, Ace Auto Freight is acting solely in the capacity of an auto transport broker to connectyou with a carrier for the purposes of moving your Vehicle(s).Ace Auto Freight is not responsible for moving yourVehicle nor will Ace Auto Freight take possession of your Vehicle. Ace Auto Freight will identify and contract with a transport car carrier (“Carrier”) to transport your Vehicle (as defined in this Agreement) in accordance with yourorder (the “Services”). Ace Auto Freight’s Services areconsidered rendered when Ace Auto Freight hasdesignated a Carrier to transport your vehicle.

3. Fees.

You agree to pay the fees for Services and any additional charges (for extra Luggage/personal property or something apart from the vehicle) that may be incurred in accordance with thisAgreement. The Payment must be paid by credit/debit cards or Zelle. By booking an order, you authorize Ace Auto Freightto immediately charge the Payment to the card or Zelle. The fees for the Services will be set forth in theagreement (contract) sent to you by Ace Auto Freight via verification email. Please note that the quoted price is an estimate generated by our system from various load boards for your route which may change due to uncontrollablecircumstances. The Remaining Balance and any additional charges incurred in accordance with this Agreement must be paid in full bycash, money order or certified check, directly to the Carrier upon delivery of your Vehicle. Failure to remit theremaining Balance when due will result in storage of the Vehicle at your expense until the balance is paid in full. All amounts due must be paid in full when due and the fees are not subject to dispute or offset for any damages or anyother reason.

4. General Refund or Order Cancellation.

You may change your order at any time prior to your Vehicle being picked up by the Carrier designated by Ace Auto Freight.Order changes may result in additional fees. If the additional fees are not agreed upon, the order will be cancelled. All order change and cancellation requestsmust be submitted in writing to info@aceautofreight.com. Allcancellations must be via phone or email to yourrepresentative who is handling the shipment of your vehicle.

5. Placing an Order.

To place an order, you must provide accurate information identifying your vehicle that will be transported using theServices (the “Vehicle”), whether the Vehicle is operable, addresses for pickup and delivery, first available date forpickup, the names and contact information for responsible individuals who will be present at pickup and delivery, thetype of transport you would like (e.g., open-air trailer or enclosed trailer), payment method, and a credit/debit card number for payment. After you initially provide your order information, Ace Auto Freight will send you an email(“Verification Email along with copy of Agreement”) containing your order information and the fees you will be chargedfor Services based on the information you provided, you must review and confirm your information and acceptance ofthe fee. You will be notified by email (at the email address provided on your order form) when a Carrier has been designated to transport your Vehicle. The designation email will include information about the Carrier as well as estimated pickupand delivery dates. Ace Auto Freight cannot assure a specific driver/carrier. Carrier will make a reasonable attempt to contact you prior to pick up or delivery to inform you of the approximatetime and location of such pickup or delivery. The Carrier will attempt to make the actual pickup and delivery location asclose to the address requested as possible, taking various factors into account, including, without limitation,transportation restriction laws and safety. These factors may require you and the Carrier to designate an alternative pickup/delivery location other than the one you originally requested. If Carrier cannot pickup or deliver avehicle/shipment (with the exception of trailers) at residential locations due to commercial truck restrictions thenDriver/Carrier will pick up and deliver vehicle/shipment at a nearby place, safe and legally allowed commercial truckfriendly location (Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Lowe’s etc.) to load and unload vehicles/shipment. Client must assignsomeone on their behalf and notify Ace Auto Freight of who that person will be in the event the customer isunavailable to release and/or accept vehicle/shipment delivery.

6. Vehicle Preparation Before Pickup.

Luggage and personal property must be informed prior to the representative and carrier, with no heavy articles, andnot to exceed 100 lbs. Carrier is not liable for damage caused tovehicle from excessive or improper loading of personalitems.Ensure your Vehicle is in good working condition (unless previously noted on your order) and with between 1/4 and1/2 tank of fuel. Disarm any alarm system or provide Carrier with keys and instructions forarming/disarming any alarmsystem. Remove all personal belongings and sensitive materials and do not store any dangerous or illegal items insidethe Vehicle (including, but not limited to, explosives, guns, ammunition, fireworks, flammable materials, alcohol, legal orillegaldrugs, money, legal or financial documents, pets, plants, and any other personal belongings, sensitive materials,or unlawful contraband). Neither Carrier nor Ace Auto Freight will be liable for any damages or loss caused to your Vehicle or any otherproperty that is caused in part by your failure to reasonably comply with this Agreement. Any items left in your Vehicleshall be at your own risk and are subject to additional fees at the Carrier’s discretion.

7. Transport of Vehicle.

By accepting an order, you authorize the designated Carrier to operate and transport your Vehicle between the pickupand delivery location and take such steps the Carrier deems necessary to complete such transportation, includingdriving the Vehicle (operation of the vehicle by Carrier may be covered by your insurance).Carrier’s responsibility for the Vehicle commences only when the Bill of Lading (BOL) is signed by you and Carrier atpickup and terminates no later than when you sign the Bill of Lading (BOL) at delivery or otherwise take delivery of theVehicle. Under any circumstances, the Client must NOT release or receive the vehicle from a carrier without thoroughsigned inspection report, Bill of Lading (BOL),regardless of time of the day or the weather conditions. Failure to do somay prevent client's ability to file a damage claim. Transportation services are subject to delays caused by numerous factors prior to or during transport of your Vehicle,many of which are out of the control of Ace Auto Freight and the Carrier, including road conditions, weather, andmechanical issues. Therefore, neither Ace Auto Freight nor Carrier guaranteepickup/delivery dates, times, orlocations. Any estimate of pickup/delivery date, time, or location that is provided to you by Ace Auto Freight orCarrier is an approximate and subject to change.

8. Arrangement.

We strongly urge you and your designee person to be present at the pickup/delivery locations when your Vehicle ispicked up/delivered. If you (or your designee) fail to show at the pickup/delivery location when your Vehicle is pickedup/delivered then you waive certain rights under this Agreement, including the right to inspect your Vehicle and notateany damage.In such instances, and without limiting in any way the disclaimers, limitations ofliability, and otherprovisions set forth herein: (a) in no way shall Ace Auto Freight Transport be responsible for damage to or loss ofyour Vehicle or any part orcontent thereof; (b) you may be required by the Carrier and/or Ace Auto Freight to signan additional release or waiver of liability; (c) you may be required by the Carrier to makealternative arrangements forpickup/delivery of your Vehicle and keys.

9. Insurance.

Carriers are required by law to maintain certain levels of insurance covering liability. Trucking damage claims arecovered by carrier from $100,000 up to $250,000 cargo insurance, and a minimum of 3/4 of a million dollars publicliability and property damage. All claims must be noted and signed for at time of delivery, and submitted in writingwithin 15 days of delivery. Failure to submit such a claim may result in denial of your claim. Any damages incurred while transporting the vehicle comes directly under the responsibility of the carrier, and not of Ace Auto Freight. WhileAce Auto Freight undertakes no obligation to ensure the Carrier maintains in force insurance coverage as requiredby law, if Ace Auto Freight does request verification of coverage from the Carrier, Ace Auto Freight is entitled torelay on documents provided by or obtained from the Carrier, the Department of Transportation, the Carrier’s insurer,or anyother party. You shall not dispute any charges or offset any claim for damage from the fees due. All fees must bepaid in full when due and any claims for damages must be subsequently filed in accordance with this Agreement. Ace Auto Freight disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from or connected to the services and transport of yourvehicle, including, without limitation, any damages or loss to your vehicle, your personal property, and any otherproperty, whether owned by you or any other party.

10. Miscellaneous

Ace Auto Freight reserves the right to cancel any order and/or terminate this Agreement at any time for anyreason without liability or further obligation. Without limiting the prior sentence, Ace Auto Freight’s right tocancel your shipment specifically includescancellations caused by/or resulting from acts beyond ACE AUTO’scontrol, including, (a) acts of God; (b) flood, earthquake, or other natural disasters; (c) public health epidemics, pandemics, or other emergencies; (d) government order or law; (e) action by any governmental authority; (g)national or regional emergency. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of theState of California.Shipper agreed to indemnify, defend and hold Ace Auto Freight and Carrier harmless for any costs, expenses,damage, losses andclaims arising out of or relating to your breach of any provision of this Agreement. After accepting this agreement, the Client agrees not to contact any other carrier or broker during the shipping needscorresponding to the respective timelines. This is to ensure that we provide our customers the best possible services.When Client works with multiple brokers, this situation tends to increase in price. If we provide screenshots fromvarious load boards proving that the Client is working with other broker/s and does not get the other postingsremoved, price quoted is no longer valid and the deposit may be forfeited immediately. Agreed and Accepted to all terms & conditions, and authorize transportation of the above vehicle as set forth above.

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